Lohman Gunsmithing

Gun Cleaning - Deep Clean, Oil, Assemble (DCOA)
Maintenance is probably the best thing you can do to any type of machine, engine, and gun. Just like taking your car in for regular oil change you need to...
Gun Cleaning - Deep Clean, Oil, Assemble (DCOA)
Maintenance is probably the best thing you can do to any type of machine, engine, and gun. Just like taking your car in for regular oil change you need to...

Gun Maintenance - Just Like Doing Oil Changes
One of the most important things to do in preparation for hunting season is to make sure you do proper gun maintenance. Most people think cleaning a gun is running...
Gun Maintenance - Just Like Doing Oil Changes
One of the most important things to do in preparation for hunting season is to make sure you do proper gun maintenance. Most people think cleaning a gun is running...

Flood Gun Restoration Experts
Lohman Gunsmith is one of the foremost experts of restoring your flood gun. Houston has a flood problem on a good day because we care flat as a pancake and...
Flood Gun Restoration Experts
Lohman Gunsmith is one of the foremost experts of restoring your flood gun. Houston has a flood problem on a good day because we care flat as a pancake and...

Firearm Restoration - Part 2
In part one of the firearm restoration I talked about why someone might want to get a gun restored or do a restoration on it. In part two I am...
Firearm Restoration - Part 2
In part one of the firearm restoration I talked about why someone might want to get a gun restored or do a restoration on it. In part two I am...

Firearm Restoration - Part 1
Lohman Gunsmith specializes in firearm restoration. Many firearms are passed down through the generations. You grow up as a boy seeing your father and grandfather use certain firearms. You admire...
Firearm Restoration - Part 1
Lohman Gunsmith specializes in firearm restoration. Many firearms are passed down through the generations. You grow up as a boy seeing your father and grandfather use certain firearms. You admire...
Lohman Gunsmith November Newsletter
November Newsletter The air is cool and Fall is finally in the air. Here at Lohman Gunsmith we are hard at work doing restorations, repairs, coating firearms and parts, and...
Lohman Gunsmith November Newsletter
November Newsletter The air is cool and Fall is finally in the air. Here at Lohman Gunsmith we are hard at work doing restorations, repairs, coating firearms and parts, and...
Gun Repairs - Part 3 Shotgun Repairs
In Gun Repair – Part 2 I talked about rifle repairs, and some of the most common repairs we see. In Gun Repair – Part 3 Shotgun Repairs I will...
Gun Repairs - Part 3 Shotgun Repairs
In Gun Repair – Part 2 I talked about rifle repairs, and some of the most common repairs we see. In Gun Repair – Part 3 Shotgun Repairs I will...
Gun Safety - Part 2
In Gun Safety part 1 I talked about education and children. Now in Gun Safety part 2 I am going to go over some of the golden rules of gun...
Gun Safety - Part 2
In Gun Safety part 1 I talked about education and children. Now in Gun Safety part 2 I am going to go over some of the golden rules of gun...

Gun Cleaning - Part 2 Shotgun Cleaners
In Gun Cleaning Part 2 we are going to go over the actual cleaning of the shotgun. Step 1 – take the shotgun apart Step 2 – will be to...
Gun Cleaning - Part 2 Shotgun Cleaners
In Gun Cleaning Part 2 we are going to go over the actual cleaning of the shotgun. Step 1 – take the shotgun apart Step 2 – will be to...