Lohman Gunsmithing

Lohman Gunsmith - Gun Stock Makers
It all starts with a block of wood. Lot’s of gun stock makers use French Walnut (Juglans Regia) because of of the strong closed grain wood that is easy to...
Lohman Gunsmith - Gun Stock Makers
It all starts with a block of wood. Lot’s of gun stock makers use French Walnut (Juglans Regia) because of of the strong closed grain wood that is easy to...

Flood Gun Restoration Experts
Lohman Gunsmith is one of the foremost experts of restoring your flood gun. Houston has a flood problem on a good day because we care flat as a pancake and...
Flood Gun Restoration Experts
Lohman Gunsmith is one of the foremost experts of restoring your flood gun. Houston has a flood problem on a good day because we care flat as a pancake and...

Shotgun Restoration Project
Restoration projects are very enjoyable to me. I enjoy them the most because of of the transformation I see from start to finish. Shotgun restoration projects also have more steps...
Shotgun Restoration Project
Restoration projects are very enjoyable to me. I enjoy them the most because of of the transformation I see from start to finish. Shotgun restoration projects also have more steps...

Firearm Restoration - Part 2
In part one of the firearm restoration I talked about why someone might want to get a gun restored or do a restoration on it. In part two I am...
Firearm Restoration - Part 2
In part one of the firearm restoration I talked about why someone might want to get a gun restored or do a restoration on it. In part two I am...

Firearm Restoration - Part 1
Lohman Gunsmith specializes in firearm restoration. Many firearms are passed down through the generations. You grow up as a boy seeing your father and grandfather use certain firearms. You admire...
Firearm Restoration - Part 1
Lohman Gunsmith specializes in firearm restoration. Many firearms are passed down through the generations. You grow up as a boy seeing your father and grandfather use certain firearms. You admire...
Lohman Gunsmith November Newsletter
November Newsletter The air is cool and Fall is finally in the air. Here at Lohman Gunsmith we are hard at work doing restorations, repairs, coating firearms and parts, and...
Lohman Gunsmith November Newsletter
November Newsletter The air is cool and Fall is finally in the air. Here at Lohman Gunsmith we are hard at work doing restorations, repairs, coating firearms and parts, and...