Lohman Gunsmithing

Broken Stock Repair
As I read the morning Houston Chronicle paper. Yes I am probably the last person on earth that gets a morning paper everyday, and reads every section. I read the...
Broken Stock Repair
As I read the morning Houston Chronicle paper. Yes I am probably the last person on earth that gets a morning paper everyday, and reads every section. I read the...

Firearm Restoration - Part 1
Lohman Gunsmith specializes in firearm restoration. Many firearms are passed down through the generations. You grow up as a boy seeing your father and grandfather use certain firearms. You admire...
Firearm Restoration - Part 1
Lohman Gunsmith specializes in firearm restoration. Many firearms are passed down through the generations. You grow up as a boy seeing your father and grandfather use certain firearms. You admire...
Gun Repairs - Part 3 Shotgun Repairs
In Gun Repair – Part 2 I talked about rifle repairs, and some of the most common repairs we see. In Gun Repair – Part 3 Shotgun Repairs I will...
Gun Repairs - Part 3 Shotgun Repairs
In Gun Repair – Part 2 I talked about rifle repairs, and some of the most common repairs we see. In Gun Repair – Part 3 Shotgun Repairs I will...
Lohman Gunsmith October Newsletter
It’s October and Fall hunting season is in the full swing. This means a lot of bird hunters have been in the field. Make sure you clean your guns, and...
Lohman Gunsmith October Newsletter
It’s October and Fall hunting season is in the full swing. This means a lot of bird hunters have been in the field. Make sure you clean your guns, and...